vom Beaver Creeks Kennels
Breeder Butch Grover
S Litter Breeding

AI Bred June 9. 2014 the
litter is due Aug.7 2014

 Taking Deposits Now

Contact: Butch Grover

Email: BeaverCkkennel@aol.com

Sire: VC Bart vom Beaver Creeks
NAVHDA Titles: NA 112 Pz 1,  UT Pz.1, Versatile Champion
NADKC Titles: Derby Pz. 1, Solms 1, NAKP  Pz.1,  HN, Fw V, HD0,

Sire: Orsen KS vom Riverwoods
Dam: VC Regal vom Riverwoods

Bart's Pedigree



German Import
Dam: VC Duxi vom Hege-Haus
Titles: NADKC Derby Pz. 1 with a 4h in Search, AZP Pz.1, Btr, NAKP 1 4h in search behind the duck,

 VGP 302 pt Pz. 1 HN, HD0, Fw SG SliverMedal Winner 2nd High scoring VGP dog of the year.

Titels: NAVHDA NA 110 Pz. 1, UT 1 196, 197 pt. Versatile Champion

Sire: German Champion Narziss KS vom Hege-Haus
Dam: German Champion Magnolie KS vom Hege-Haus

VC Duxi vom Hege-Haus      German Pedigree

 We had a NA breeders Award and a Derby breeders award from the N litter so far. Both dogs have Hege-Haus blood lines.  Both dogs are very nice in the house and kennel. They both are excellent in the field , water, with 4h's in Pointing, Search and search behind the duck. Duxi vom Hege-Haus is the 1st. and only Hege-Haus dog to ever pass the NAVHDA Invitational and get her VC title. They are some of the best dogs that I have ever seen do a duck searches. Every time they hit the water for a duck search. Duxi vom Hege-Haus is the last born breedable female from a long line of Hege-Haus dogs. 

